Reduction requests must be emailed to or delivered to the office by 5:00 p.m. on the Friday before your scheduled court date. After the court has determined whether or not your request is allowed based on the charges against you, the prosecutor, Assistant District Attorney Michael Rogers will review all requests. The court will then contact you regarding your citation(s) to let you know whether or not your request has been approved based on his recommendation and to provide information for your next steps.
If your request is approved you will receive a plea recommendation sheet that must be signed and returned to the court before you are allowed to pay any fines and dispose of your case.
Pike County Probate Court - PO BOX 324 - Zebulon, GA 30295
Pike County Courthouse
Arraignments @ 9:00 am
Bench Trials @ 2:00 pm
Pike County Courthouse
Pike County Courthouse
Arraignments @ 9:00 am
Bench Trials @ 2:00 pm
Pike County Courthouse
Pike County Courthouse
Arraignments @ 9:00 am
Bench Trials @ 2:00 pm
Pike County Courthouse
Pike County Courthouse
Arraignments @ 9:00 am
Bench Trials @ 2:00 pm
Pike County Courthouse
Pike County Courthouse
Arraignments @ 9:00 am
Bench Trials @ 2:00 pm
Pike County Courthouse
Many tickets can be paid without making a court appearance. To see if your case is eligible to pay online visit the link at the top of the page. Note that it can take up to 14 business days for tickets to appear in the system.
Partial payments are not accepted; however, payment plans may be provided if you are placed on probation.
Your court date is written on your ticket.
You can also look up your citation by using the link at the top of the page to confirm your court date.
Arrive early. You should plan to arrive early for your case to compensate for any unexpected delays. Once you arrive in court, you will pass through a mandatory security check before being allowed to enter.
Proceed to the courtroom. Courtrooms are located on the 2nd Floor. Deputy at security check will show you the stairs to access the courtroom.
Be patient. There are multiple cases on the court’s calendar each day. Please consult an attorney or a public defender if you have a legal question regarding your case.
Missing your court date is a serious offense and you should contact the court immediately if realize you have missed your court date. If you miss your court date for either a criminal or traffic citation, you are in failure to appear (FTA) status and a bench warrant could be issued for your arrest. In addition, your driver’s license will be suspended. If you are pulled over by an officer, you will be arrested.
You may be charged an FTA fee for missing your original court date. If you have a valid medical excuse or documentation of being incarcerated, bring evidence to your new court date.
If you enter a guilty plea or a nolo contendere plea you will be required to satisfy the ruling of the court. This may include paying a fine, payable by cash, debit, or credit card. If you plead not guilty you will be placed on the calendar for a bench trial. Some offenses can result in jail time, including mandatory jail time under certain circumstances. You can also be ordered to complete community service or educational programs at the discretion of the judge. Offenders placed on probation are required to fulfill all conditions imposed or face possible revocation.